Annual Reports & Financial Statements

Goodwill South Florida Annual Reports

Since opening our doors in 1959, Goodwill South Florida has helped tens of thousands of people with disabilities find greater independence through training, employment and job placement.

We are one of the most cost-effective nonprofits in the U.S. with 96% of our expenses going toward funding programs.
Thank you for all that you have done to help!

Our Impact in 2023

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Total Employees & Trainees

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units of service

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Total People Place & Hired by Goodwill

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People placed under Opportunity Accelerator Program

Through our mission of employment, training, and job placement for people with disabilities and other barriers, Goodwill South Florida gives mission recipients in our community hope, a sense of purpose and a life changing experience.

We could not have done it without you.

Click on the images below to download our Annual Reports


Entrepreneurial activities serve as tools to help our program participants develop valuable work skills and experience while simultaneously generating funds to support our mission. This provides opportunities to serve people, maintain stability and sustain growth.

Goodwill South Florida ensures that our mission is served by combining Human Services and Business Services. The businesses we operate allow us to help people and generate revenue to support the mission. The result is that Goodwill South Florida is essentially 95% self-supporting with total revenues of $$181 million.

Goodwill South Florida achieves its nonprofit mission in a variety of ways by employing a combination of the Goodwill Human Services Model, comprised of our Human Services Division and Business Services Divisions:

  • Our Human Services collaborate with many state agencies, public education, United Way and other organizations to ensure that participants in our programs have access to all needed services and that the services are judiciously coordinated.
  • Our Business Services include a diverse portfolio of established Business Services Divisions to help your company succeed, all while supporting our mission of providing job training and opportunities to people with disabilities and other barriers to employment.

Goodwill is committed to adhering to the highest standards of efficiency, quality, service, ethical conduct, public accountability and transparency.

2017-2018 statements
2018-2019 statements
2020-2021 statements
2021-2022 statements

There are 4.6 million people in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, 3.7 million of whom are working age.

  • 12.2% of this population have developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, or mental disorders that challenge their ability to find and retain work.
  • This 12.2% of the combined population of Miami-Dade and Broward counties totals to 457,000 people, 81% of whom are not working compared to only 34% of the non-disabled population.
  • 23% of this population live below the poverty line compared to 14% of the non-disabled population, another startling difference from the non- disabled population.

Because of this great disparity, Goodwill is positioned as the most significant organization in South Florida focused on this community issue.

We’re the largest and best example of Social Entrepreneurism, starting nonprofit businesses that help fund our human services mission while actually employing many of the people that we are focused on helping.
We accomplish the mission by receiving donated goods, selling them in our stores, and running multiple nonprofit entrepreneurial businesses which fuel the organization and employ many people in need.
While primarily self-funded, Goodwill South Florida still struggles with funding like any nonprofit.

Funding remains an ongoing challenge for us due to:

  • The ups and downs of business
  • Lack of support of our mission-based vocational training programs, and…
  • Acquiring enough seed money to launch additional growth-focused businesses that allow us to vocationally train, place and employ more people.

Even though we receive great help from donors of clothing and goods, shoppers in our stores and from our other business services, it’s not enough to fund our robust mission and community needs.
We are looking for supporters who are excited about financially participating in our goal to improve the lives of those in our community.

We need your help! Help us continue to help people with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, or mental disorders that challenge their ability to find and retain work.