We're than you know.
Come Visit Goodwill.
goodwill employees

“I had no idea.”

We hear this a lot when people really get to know Goodwill.

From life-changing training, re-entry and job placement programs to an awe-inspiring band of musicians, Goodwill breaks down barriers to a better life for hundreds of thousands of people. What seemed out of reach for many becomes possible — a chance to be independent, valued and live with purpose.

Program Services

Feel it for Yourself

Your soul will soar.

Take a very special behind-the-scenes-tour and rock out to The Spirit of Goodwill Band to see why people go from saying, “I had no idea,” to “What an incredible idea!”

Please come in and join our virtual tour!

Join us as we walk through the Goodwill South Florida headquarters.

Take Virtual Tour
mna singing into a mic

Our Story

Goodwill is so much more than you know. We are a thriving social enterprise — operating multiple businesses to fund our mission while training, employing and placing the people we help. Our nonprofit model is one of the most effective, sustainable and impactful in the nation, delivered with heart and humanity.

Our History

Your Story

At Goodwill, your gift is an investment in people and programs that become self-supporting, giving over and over again. Here, philanthropic opportunities are as boundless as your vision. Discover how Giving with Goodwill is one of the most meaningful experiences you’ll ever know.

Meet the Donors: Barbara and Ron Jones
Together we build jobs, potential and futures.

In South Florida alone there are 480,000 disabled working-age people. Goodwill together with its supporters are making an impact in the lives of South Floridans.

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18th largest employer in South Florida serving Miami, Broward and Monroe Counties


2,800 employees and participants


5,800 people served annually

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95 cents of every dollar goes to funding programs

Give with Goodwill.
Pick Your pathway

Individuals, businesses, churches, clubs, and civic groups can further the good work of Goodwill in so many rewarding ways. Discover what Goodwill means to you.

For Individuals

Goodwill Giving Circle

Corporations & Foundations

Campaign Details

Immediate impact

Show your Goodwill with these essential gifts that make an immediate, positive impact on the everyday quality of life for Goodwill members.

News Initiatives

Support Goodwill Campaigns

Goodwill never rests. It takes all of us giving our most to create a community that holds goodwill for everyone. Take your place in the important programs, campaigns and opportunities shaping a place for all to flourish.

Learn More
goodwill employees
for once in my life documentary

Goodwill Events and Engagements

Welcome! Check here often for upcoming dates on exciting, informative and inspiring Goodwill gatherings. Come together with a caring community that makes a difference for good, for everyone.

Our partners
Give with Goodwill

Goodwill’s work is only made possible by the generous support of community donors and partners like you.